Climate Alliance @COP25
The numerous representatives of cities and regions in Madrid have once again underlined the importance of this level at a large number of events. They discussed nature-based solutions that can reduce the vulnerability of cities and how the existing flood of data can be translated into policies and actions.
One of the key strategies for further shaping the climate process remains is the development of partnerships and alliances. Coalitions of ambitious governments, but also cities, regions and companies, must have a stronger weight than the short-term interests of individual countries. The "We're still in" movement from the USA, a coalition of cities, companies, universities and other actors that opposes the current president's decision to resign, clearly shows that the inaction must be excluded in order to achieve success.
In a final declaration, representatives of the city networks have therefore expressed their support for a close cooperation at the various political levels (multilevel commitment). At the European level, the Covenant of Mayors is therefore an important instrument for furthering this cooperation.
Climate Alliance and its partners were present throughout the summit at a variety of key events. Here are some of the highlights.
Monday, 2 December
- 13:15—14:45: Global climate action: Indigenous rights, territories and resources (Offical side event, Hall 4, Room 6)
Learn why strong global partnerships to fight climate change and promote climate justice are of the essence as well as how Climate Alliance builds bridges between indigenous communities and European municipalities towards the protection of the Amazon rainforests and the global climate. Event in cooperation with Climate Alliance Austria, Climate Alliance Luxembourg / ASTM and INFOE e. V. Programme (pdf, EN)
Tuesday, 3 December
- 14:30 – 15:30: Indigenous contributions to climate resilience (German Pavillion, Hall 6)
Indigenous and local communities in many countries have proven their capacity to protect and sustainably manage diverse ecosystems, thereby contributing to their resilience. They are therefore key allies in terms of increasing the ambition levels of national mitigation strategies and improving the climate resilience of ecosystems such as rainforests. See examples of this and learn about diverse indigenous experiences while identifying synergies and developing ideas for joint action. In cooperation with OroVerde and INFOE. Review
Wednesday, 4 December
- All day: Climate Alliance exhibition stand (Exhibition area, Booth 20)
Come learn about all the Climate Alliance network has to offer! Come and become a Future Changer! In cooperation with Climate Alliance Austria, Climate Alliance Luxembourg and ASTM. - 11:30–13:00: Contribution of Amazon indigenous peoples to climate protection (Hall 4, Room 6)
Hear from indigenous representatives of the Amazon Basin about their role of their peoples in protecting precious ecosystems and the climate. Event organised by COICA.
Thursday, 5 December
- All day: Climate Alliance exhibition stand (Exhibition area, Booth 20)
Come learn about all the Climate Alliance network has to offer! Come and become a Future Changer! In cooperation with Climate Alliance Austria, Climate Alliance Luxembourg and ASTM.
- 16:45–18:15: Nature-based adaptation to climate change in cities (Official side event, Hall 4, Room 3)
Gain insight into nature-based solutions for climate change adaptation as well as benefits including health and well-being, social cohesion and sustainable economic development. The event will draw on the experience of practitioners, recent research and co-creation processes.
Saturday, 7 December
- 11:00: Official Green Footprint Handover to UNFCCC Deputy Executive Secretary Sarmad (Official side event, Hall 6) Press release
- All day: From data to policy (EU Pavillion)
Indices have the ability to synthetise complex information which cannot be directly measured by a single indicator. This is the case when discussing complex and multidimensional concepts such as sustainable development and climate change. Come explore a series of indices measuring the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), climate mitigation and adaptation. The European Committee of the Regions will offer perspectives on access to data, multi-level SDGs and climate governance, tailor-made indicators for local needs and current monitoring gaps. In closing, we will look at the importance of data to support policy-making and monitor progress on SDGs and climate action with a focus on the local level. - All day: Local Governments and Cities Day Capacity building hub (EU Pavillion)
Featuring contributions from Climate Alliance Board Member and Essen City Councillor Simone Raskob during the opening session, the Global Platform for Sustainable Cities session and the Human Settlements Action Event (further information, pdf)
Monday, 9 December
- All day: Global Covenant of Mayors Day (EU Pavillion; agenda)
Thursday, 12 December
- 18:30 – 20:00: Amazon: Destruction and Indigenous Climate Ambition (Room 5)
Hear from Amazonian indigenous leaders, environmentalists, UN agencies and Peruvian government officials about indigenous ideas on stopping Amazonian destruction. Participants will take a look at indigenous climate titling, forest economy, the Full Life Plan, indigenous Redd+, the Indigenous Climate Platform and Minga NDC, just to name a few. Organised by the Shawi and Kechwa federations.
Friday, 13 December
- 13:15 – 14:45: Global impact of the infrastructure and tragedy of dredging in the nascent Amazon and peatlands (Room 4)
Learn about the climate impact of Peru's infrastructure plan and the massive dredging plans in three rivers originating in the Amazon basin. Indigenous alternatives as well as the errors of public and private actions will be explored with an eye to the importance of peatlandsand the precautionary principle. Oragnised by Climate Alliance's indigenous partner organisations via COICA: AIDESEP, CODEPISAM and ORAU.