CAIC24 | Online Offers

As of 28 August we invite you to join us every Wednesday for a thematic deep dive as we kick off our road to CAIC24 in Cascais. Each session will offer you engaging insights and valuable information. Explore the options below an register for your favourite pre-CAIC sessions today!

Please note that you need to register for all sessions individually.

New perspectives for impactful communication campaigns on energy-efficient renovations

28 August 2024 | 11 – 12 | in English

Discover how to create compelling and effective communication strategies to drive home renovation. This means focussing not just on the financial aspects, but also on the homeowner's journey. Gain new insights on engaging your citizens effectively in energy-efficient renovations! Register now

A European community of practice for one-stop shops on home energy renovation

4 September 2024 | 11 – 12 | in English

Two recently adopted EU directives have recognised one-stop shops for energy renovation as key to achieving zero-emission buildings by 2050. Member States must now roll out such offers for deep renovation advice. Discover how the EU Peers community of practice can support one-stop shops in your city! Register now

A success story continues: The Energy Caravan reaches new territory

11 September | 11 – 12 | in English

The Energy Caravan renovation campaign has now reached Luxembourg, continuing to boost renovation rates wherever it is implemented. What’s the secret? Ready-made templates, a campaign strategy tailored to a city's needs, and direct advice for citizens. Discover how the Energy Caravan can benefit your municipality! Register now

Fit for future: Climate-resilient industrial and business parks

18 September | 11 – 12 | in English

Industrial and business parks have a high potential for climate adaptation. Often highly sealed areas with little vegetation, they are vulnerable to heat stress and flooding. Learn how municipalities can get companies to tackle climate adaptation on their private grounds, as well as how local strategies can boost green-blue infrastructure. Register now
Photo: Vincent Lecigne/MEL

Taking climate responsibility: Climate Alliance's alternative to offsetting

25 September | 11 – 12 | in English

Climate Alliance's Climate Fund is a simple way to make a tangible contribution to global climate action! This workshop will emphasise the importance of indigenous territories for the protection of the Amazon rainforest, one of the world's largest carbon sinks, and thus for the global climate. Take real climate responsibility for your city or community! Register now

How cities and towns can reconcile local energy needs with climate goals

2 October | 11 – 12 | in English

As cities across Europe prepare to meet ambitious climate targets, they must begin to factor a green local energy supply into their plans. NetZeroCities Mission City Antwerp and its local grid operator Fluvius will discuss how cities can coordinate with grid operators, mobility providers and housing associations to align energy needs and climate goals. Register now