

Platform for climate change dialogue between Chinese and European cities – new features available

The EC-Link platform promotes the exchange of Chinese and European cities in the field of sustainable urbanisation. Recently, the platform has been revised and equipped with a number of new features. Climate Alliance has now published a user manual on how to use the EC-Link platform, which describes these extended features in more detail.

The platform brings together local actors from industry, science, municipalities and associations. The main goal is to build a network community. Users can present their work on the platform as well as learn and benefit from each other through the exchange of knowledge and experience. A built-in translation feature helps overcome possbile language barriers.

The published user manual is intended to illustrate and simplify the handling of the platform. The manual is now available in German and English.

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Want to learn more? Contact Nina Stiehr at n.stiehr(at) for more information.