The organisation

Climate Alliance’s numerous member cities, towns and districts, spread across Europe, form the core of our network and National Coordination Offices in a number of countries help support Climate Alliance members in their localities. The European Secretariat headquarters in Frankfurt stands as the operative and administrative coordinating body for the network and is the seat of the German National Coordination Office. A special extension of the European Secretariat in Brussels is dedicated both to lobby work and keeping pace with EU political happenings of special relevance for member municipalities. At Climate Alliance’s helm sits an Executive Board composed of municipal officials and a representative of COICA, the umbrella organisation for the indigenous of Amazonia. Since 2023, Klima-Bündnis Services (Climate Alliance Services) has complemented the organisation's structure, supporting members in Germany especially with advice services, campaigns and data collection.
Climate Alliance Europe, the National Coordination Offices and the Executive Board act in the interest of the members across local, national, European and international levels on issues regarding climate action, biodiversity and safeguarding forests. These organs as well as the membership of the network meet once annually at the Climate Alliance International Conference and General Assembly, where topics of central importance to the network such as sustainable mobility, the international climate process, our energy landscape and sustainable development, just to name a few, are discussed. It is also during this time that Climate Alliance resolutions can be passed by the membership, which also serve as strong political instruments of change in Climate Alliance’s lobby work.
Key association documents
Find out more about the association
- Member Charter - Declaration of Wels, September 2021 (pdf)
- Annual reports
- Informational leaflet (pdf)
- Resolutions
- Rules of procedure (pdf)
- Statues (pdf)
- Bolzano Declaration, May 2000 (pdf)