
Digital cycling data for German municipalities

As part of the MOVEBIS research project, Climate Alliance, together with the Technical University of Dresden, created the basis for tracking kilometres cycled during CITY CYCLING via the campaign’s app and making them available to municipalities in a scientifically processed form for better infrastructure planning. The follow-up project MoveOn now aims to scale and further develop the data collection and delivery for all German participating municipalities of the CITY CYCLING campaign. By means of the cycling platform RiDE, the municipalities are to be provided with a data platform that is comprehensive, valid and easy to use, which serves as a basis for municipal infrastructure planning.

In addition to the implementation of the CITY CYCLING campaign, the app development and the data collection, Climate Alliance will analyse the targeted promotion of the campaign in rural areas in the project. The aim is to motivate as many cyclists as possible to participate and use the app. An increased app usage rate among the CITY CYCLING participants leads to GDPR-compliant data collection, increases the informative value of the database for transport planning and thus helps to comprehensively improve the cycling infrastructure.

Project funding period: January 2022 – December 2024
via the German  National Cycling Plan (NRVP) of the Federal Ministry of Digital Affairs and Transport (BMDV); the project manager is the Federal Office for Logistics and Mobility (BALM)

Want to learn more? Contact Ann-Kathrin Beichel at a.beichel(at)

Further Information