
How unmanaged forests contribute to climate change mitigation on regional level

In this project, Climate Alliance, in cooperation with the Naturschutzbund Deutschland e.V. (Nature and Biodiversity Conservation Union) is showing how unmanaged forests contribute to climate change mitigation on regional level through via events and the dissemination of informational materials.

Unmanaged forests can make large contributions to the fight against climate change. Currently only 1.9 percent of the entire forest area in Germany can be counted as unmanaged, natural forest. SpeicherWald aims to raise awareness in the German public on the importance of unmanaged forests for regional climate change mitigation and increase basic knowledge of the connection between forest ecosystems and climate change. In contrast to commonly promoted mitigation measures such as the use of engineered wood products, renewable energy expansion or energy savings, this projects promotes public awareness of an issue that has so far received less attention.

Project funding period: July 2016 – June 2019
via the Waldklimafonds (Forest-Climate-Fond) and headed by the German Federal Ministry of Agriculture and German Federal Ministry of Environment


Want to learn more? Contact Katrin Jurisch at k.jurisch@climatealliance.org