Comprehensive municipal climate action monitoring
Climate Alliance’s Klimaschutz-Planer (Climate Protection Planner) is the recommended emissions inventory and monitoring instrument for member municipalities in Germany. Climate Alliance feeds this web-based tool with updated statistics, factors and other data. Municipalities may use this valuable data as is or improve upon it where possible with local level information. The Klimaschutz-Planer also fulfills reporting requirements for the Covenant of Mayors.
With the Klimaschutz-Planer, municipaltiies can
- Draw up final energy and emissions inventories. The tool based on a systematic and nationally standardised methodology, also documenting the data quality of all entered values.
- Record and compare progress. Integrated benchmarking shows where cities and towns stand in comparison to other municipalities.
- Create and compare scenarios. Depictions of potentials and scenarios can help municipalities both make better decisions and set priorities for climate action. The tool simulates the effects of individual or combined climate action and emissions reduction measures.
- Document measures in a project database. The climate action project database gathers real municipal climate action projects so that other municipalities can learn from the contributions and incorporate experiences into their own strategies and projects.
Want to learn more? Contact us at info(at)klimaschutz-planer.de
Further Information
- Flyer (pdf; in German)